Thursday, February 12, 2009

Disney Photos - Misc

Okay, this is the final set of Disney Photos, which means I have to think
of something New and Insightful to post about tomorrow ...

I realized, while looking through the pictures, that there are almost no shots
of any rides. But here's Rebecca on the Carousel!

The Christmas tree at the entrance of Animal Kingdom was pretty cool.

Can you stand some more character shots?
Here's Minnie Mouse signing Rachael's book. I really do need to learn
how to make hard copies.

Rachael always had plenty to tell the different characters.
Notice how "in awe" Rebecca looks in this picture.

Well, it was a good trip, even though we did feel kind of cheated
due to getting sick. Well, I guess that just means we'll have to go
back again, huh? I'm tentatively thinking maybe Fall of 2010.
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