Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ten, twenty, thirty years ago?

I got this from Stephanie's blog:

Where were you 10, 20, and 30 years ago?

Ten years ago we had just moved into our current house. We had the crazy idea of finishing our basement. We would spend hours together where I measured and cuts the studs and Robert nailed them in. I was teaching music and drama at Webb Bridge Middle School and New Prospect Elementary School in Apharetta. No kids yet.

Twenty years ago I was a freshman music major at Berry College. I was accompanying the Berry Singers on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, which I applied for not knowing they would actually pay me to do it. We were learning Handel's Messiah in concert choir. I had just met the person who would give me my first date and first kiss, but I didn't know it yet. My sophomore roommate sat behind me in Music Theory class, but I hadn't officially met her yet. Was starting to become friendly with Cynthia and Kaye.

Thirty years ago I was in third grade at Jordan Road Elementary School in Somers Point, New Jersey. I enjoyed reading the Bobbsey Twins books and was soon to read and fall in love with my first Judy Blume book, Blubber. I was already a Monkees Fan. It was a year before we moved to Pittsburgh and my Official Childhood Home, and two years before I typed and submitted my first manuscript for publication.


Stephanie said...

I totally loved Judy Blume when I was a kid, I still have a box of those books I should dig them out :)

Anonymous said...

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Deanne said...

I had fun reading this post, and then backtracking through a bunch more. I also have fond memories of reading Judy Blume. Thanks for sharing! I added this to my blog today too.