Friday, November 21, 2008

Our Daily Goals (usually)

I've started settling into a list of goals that we accomplish each day, Homeschool-Wise. It's sort of like a template that I drop things into.

It's nice because it allows for a lot of flexibility, yet I'm not starting from scratch every day to figure out what to do. Also, it makes me feel less stressed, because the key point is that we get it done; not when we get it done, or in what order.

** Here is my Great List of Daily Goals: **

For Rachael, age 7:
1) Two or three pages in Explode the Code (a phonics workbook)

2) I dictate two sentences from Explode the Code for Rachael to write into a journal. (It seems like a good idea to write the same words you're learning to read.)

3) One or two pages in a math workbook. For example, today Rachael did one where you add two-digit numbers in boxes, then color the boxes different colors depending on what the sums are.

4) Rachael reads out loud to me. Right now she is reading two stories a day, twice each, for one of the Nora Gaydos readers. Probably in a month or two we'll progress to something else, although I'm not sure what.

For both girls together (Rachael, age 7, and Rebecca, age 5):
1) Play at least one math game

2) Play at least one phonics/reading game

3) Read a book from our current HSS or FIAR unit and do at least one activity with it

4) Read at least one chapter out loud to them (right now we are working through the Little House books)

On Friday we actually got all eight things done, but that is somewhat rare. For example, on Wednesdays we all go to a Bible Study, so we might do two or three things from the list after we get home. If we're short on time, we might skip the math and just play a phonics game, or vice-versa.

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