Sunday, January 11, 2009

The child who puts me over the edge

I wonder if most parents have this ...

I have One Child who is the one who Drives Me Crazy Most. (If you know us personally, you probably know who it is.)

Said Child just makes me livid sometimes in a way the others don't. It probably has at least as much to do with me as it does with Said Child.

Maybe God sends you offspring like that to force you to deal with certain ... uh, weaknesses, in yourself?

I have been having a Tough Day with This Child. One insight I do have -- although I often don't actually listen to my own insight -- is that the times I most want to whack and scream at This Person are the times when He or She most needs my cuddles and hugs and calmness.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I have one and when she is driving me nuts is when she needs me the most :)
We are both control freaks, trying to cook or shop or do anything is a power struggle, it's comical when I step back and look at it.