Sunday, January 11, 2009

What makes someone a good cook?

I had the pleasure, this past weekend, of hearing both my mother-in-law and my mother say that I was a good cook.

I really liked hearing that.

It does sort of amuse me, though, to be called a "good cook," because in a way, I still feel like I can't cook at all.

Yeah, I "make food." But I feel like I don't cook.

I can't trussel a chicken and have never even stuffed one. I've never wrapped filet mignons in bacon. I don't know what it means to "braise" something. I've never made a yeast bread, except in the machine with a boxed mix. I mean, come on.

For example, here's the recipe for what my mother-in-law was enjoying this weekend:

Mix together cream-of-something soup, a half cup of chicken broth, some minced garlic, and a packet of Italian salad dressing mix. Pour it in a crockpot Throw in a hunk of frozen chicken. Turn switch to low.
Six hours later, show up again, shred the chicken with two forks, stir in a block of cream cheese, and set to high. Boil some noodles, and bring it all to the table. Meanwhile, tear open a bag of salad with your teeth and stick a bottle of salad dressing on the table next to it.

I mean, seriously, does that even count as cooking??

I didn't invent this recipe; I just read it somewhere and did it. What exactly am I "good" at here? Opening the can of soup? Tearing open the salad dressing packet?

So I'm wondering:

What, exactly, makes someone a "good cook"? Is it just the fact that I do cook at all that earns me that title (assuming you can even consider what I do to be cooking)? I'm wondering if there are adults out there who do less "cooking" than I even do, which is kind of scary if it's true.

I'm thinking that if I am, in fact, a good cook, then all it takes is owning a good cookbook or two. And actually opening them up occassionally, I suppose.

Any thoughts?


Deanne said...

You made me laugh with this post. The only "good cook" comments I ever get are from my kids (the same ones who also insist I'm not overweight, when I am actually 40lbs. over my healthy range. :O ). I guess love can be blind and taste-less! :P

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great recipe. Will be on the menu sometime soon!


Unknown said...

You're a good cook in that you provide edible food on the table. You make the effort to make the food tasty and can follow directions. I guess that's as compared to a gourmet cook.

Mrs. Longoria said...

LOL!How many "good cooks" do you know? If whipping up a gourmet meal
from scratch with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back is your definition, then I know none, save for the TV personalities. I even bet that they tear open salad bags from time to time!!

I think that is the food tastes good and the kids actually eat, then you're a great cook!!!

Rebecca said...

Your "show up again" sounds so much like you. I love it!

Bill got into cooking not long after we got married. My mother gave him a modest French cookbook for Christmas one year telling him, "Anyone who can read can cook." I think that's true.

On the other hand, Bill KNOWS how to cook. He can make reductions, for example (what?), and doesn't Burn Things, and just makes sensationally good food. Not every night, mind you, but I'm still counting my blessings.

I, on the other hand, can read and so can cook. But I burn things because I'm impatient, and I cook because I have to.

So yes, I think there is a difference. I haven't tasted your fare, but I understand what you're saying about the meal you produced for your m-i-l. At any rate, she meant it as a compliment. :)