Monday, December 22, 2008

So it's come to this: A clip-show post

[The title is a reference to this Simpson's episode.]

Here, for your reading pleasure, is some of my favorite past posts to entertain you until we all feel better:


This post is significant because it generated the only real negative comment I've ever received. I was anonymously told I "sound very narrow-minded."

I kinda like this one because it's a nice blend of my own personal interests and what my kids are into.

If you missed this short anecdote the first time, a lot of people thought it was hilarious.

If Rebecca S. or Kim or anyone else from USC is reading, these musings about eighth grade would be very interesting.

Here's a conversation from some public school teachers about why homeschooled kids have no social skills.

And finally, some one I know e-mailed me saying I should submit my rant against John Rosemond to the local paper. (I didn't, although I was very flattered.) I expected it to get some negative comments, but it didn't. I guess not enough people are readers here to care! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jen! I enjoyed that and remembered every name. Did you know that Ms. Szymanski passed away in June 2006?

Hope you and the 3 beans are better soon.


Rebecca said...

Am I terrible for not being able to remember who Ms. Szymanski is? The name sounds vaguely familiar....

I too had Miss Outten for 8th grade English, but I wasn't in your class, Jen. I remember her going off one day about how much she hated that song, "Feelings. Nothing more than feelings...." And you know what? It really is a terrible song.