Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wow, Stephanie was right!

Stephanie said she didn't think I only had eight people reading my blog; she was sure I must have at least nine! :)

She recommended I install SiteMeter.

Well, she was right: So far I'm averaging about 23 hits a day. And I can even confirm that it's not just my mom checking it 23 times!

Today's recent hits ranged from Tucson, Nashville (that's probably Stephanie), South Carolina, California, and Texas.

So now that I know I have an audience ... I'd better come up with more stuff to say!


Stephanie said...

OHHH I love it when I'm right, just ask my husband :)

justjuls said...

Well here is another thing - a lot of us have you on our google readers and never click over to your actual blog - which I think doesn't indicate a hit on your site meter -
Imagine that - there could be thousands!