Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Anna and Parsy

by Rachael, age 6

[BTW, I don't have anything to do with Rachael's stories other than playing secretary. I don't tell her what to write about or anything.]

Anna and her friend Parsy loved to have a little walk every afternoon after lunch. They always came back home with lots of surprises: sometimes flowers, and sometimes birds that they caught in cages up in trees that seemed to wave as they flew down after they picked a leaf off one of the trees.

One day they came home with three flowers and a bird. They named the bird Casey because it had Parsy's and Anna's favorite letters in it. And they called the flowers "Three Little Tulips" because they were three little tulips.

They used the bird and the flowers for lots of stuff and parties and fancy ball gowns.

One day they gave the bird to someone else as a present, and the flowers on a ball gown that was their mother's that she still enjoyed it.

The next three days, Anna and Parsy were in their room, coloring pictures, when Parsy gasped. "You know what we've just done, Anna? We gave away our best treasures that we found in the forest!"

Anna said, "We can draw picures of them and so hunting some more." So that's what they did. They drew the pictures first, and then after lunch they went hunting again, and they found again three tulips and another robin, which was the same type of bird they found the last time.

They went home and enjoyed them so much. And this time they didn't give them away.


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