Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I would really love a meal

I think there are approximately eight people who read this blog, and most of them live in different states (or countries!)

But ...

If you happen to be reading this, and you happen to live near me .... and you happen to be wondering how God can use you to minister to a woman with three young children (me) who often just feels exhausted (and hungry):


Lasagnas of all kinds are great. Anything casserole-y or noodle-y is Yum. And if you're one of those people who can make one of those fun salads, with things like walnuts or apples or whatever or it-seems-more-like-dessert-than-salad-but-either-way-it's-yummy ... well, bring it on over! :)

And, might I add that I am definitely NOT a snob when it comes to take-out!


Stephanie said...

I would love to help, I just googled you and you are roughly 3 1/2 hours away, not too far in reality but too far for me to bring you dinner :)

Sarah said...

I love to cook and would love to cook and clean for you while you recoup...only just you live next door. Ooooh, that leads to...how I wish to have you, Steph, and other RCUer as neighbors! Feel good soon. I too came down with a miserable cold. Bummer.